Family is the Heart of Small Business


The other day I was working on some clerical duties for my small business, and I got to thinking about all the work that goes into pursuing entrepreneurship and growing a small side business. I kept focusing on how hard “I” work at maintaining something like this. I realized that I don’t give enough due to the support that my family provides me in my pursuits of this passion.

Running a small business requires my family to help me wear many hats, from hearing my crazy ideas(my brain never shuts off) to having to get them out of bed way earlier than they like and helping me load up and unload at different craft shows. And after a long day at the show, having to pull into the driveway and unload it all again. Also, they serve as a sounding board for design ideas to help me navigate different directions I’m considering taking my craft. They also help me when some transactions don’t go well, or I get rejected quotes or turned down for commissions(these things happen in this business). My spouse is very patient when our kitchen becomes my photo studio, kitchen counters become our shipping and receiving area during the busy seasons, and our den is overtaken by craft show and website inventory.

My point is that none of this is possible without the support of my family and friends. I am convinced that anyone who said they built something alone wasn’t looking close enough to see who was still there during their journey’s good, bad, and ugly times. Let’s take a moment to thank those who support us on our journey to building something special. The circle gets small sometimes when you are busy chasing your dreams, but I assure you those who stick around are your tribe. Let’s celebrate them!

“Behind every small business is a family.”

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